Activities - Co Curricular Activities

Independence day 2023 celeberation at AGS Dawar Gurez

Swatch Bharat Abiyan ( cleanliness drive ) was carried out on Eve of Gandhi Janti by AGS Dawar , along with NCC cadets other students of AGS Dawar Gurez Participated.

Inter Local school Elocution completion Zone Gurez was held on 26 sept 2023 in which 13 candiates of Gurez Zone Participated. Aliya Azad 6th class student of AGS Dawar got 1st postion.

Online Inter AGS Painting competition on 15th of sept 2023 in which 16 students from 8 AGS schools participated and AGS Dawar Stood 2nd in the competition.
Reopening of school after winter breakAnnual Day Celebration 2024