About Us - Management
Management Committee
The school is run by the Dawar Bn ie 9 RAJPUT under the aegis of HQ 109 Inf Bde. Once the school becomes self sufficient it will be handed over to the Civil Adm / Dept of Edn, Govt of J&K. Detls of the School mgt committee are as mentioned below.:
(a) Patron - GOC, 28 Inf Div.
(b) Chairman - Cdr, 109 Inf Bde.
(c) Vice Chairman - Dy Cdr, 109 Inf Bde.
(d) Secy - Commanding Officer, 9 RAJPUT
(e) Members.
(i) Principal - Mr Saunallah Lone (MA, B Ed)
(ii) Teachers -Mr Muzafar Ahmad Lone, BA
Mr Arif Hussain (MA, MEd)
Mr Ashiq Hussain Najar (MA, MEd)
Miss Tasleema Banoo (MA, BEd)
(iii) Parents - Mr Bashir Ahmed
Mr Gh Md Lone
Mr Irshad Dar
Mr Aajaz Ahmad Lone